How Creationists Would (and DO) "Educate" Children
"The worst thing adults can do to children is misinform them about the world they live in, because when they eventually find out the truth, their elders will have no credibility with them and their rebelliousness will know no bounds."
--James s. Mellett, Question - Do you believe in evolution? Answer - Do You believe in gravity?, The Professional Geologist, Jan. Feb, 2004, p. 33-36.
the Disclaimer (off site)
Kenneth R. Miller
Dealing with Anti-Evolution (off site)
Executive Director, NCSE
Cans and Can'ts of Teaching Evolution (off site)
Executive Director, NCSE
25 Ways to Promote Science Education (off site)
National Center for Science Education
Alabama Schoolbooks and Creationist Lies
William J. Bennetta
The Oklahoma Textbook Disclaimer (off site)
What's Wrong with the Oklahoma Textbook Disclaimer (off site)
A lesson plan for Oklahoma (off site)
(off site)
Richard Dawkins
Charles Simonyi Professor
In the Public Understanding of Science
Oxford University,
Oxford, England
Victory in Cobb County (off site)
"'[T]he Sticker adopted by the Cobb County Board of Education violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment,' declared U.S.
District Judge Clarence Cooper..."Kansas Evolution Hearings [off site]
Transcripts of an Intelligently-Designed "Kangaroo Court"
Responses to Jonathan Wells's Ten Questions to
Ask Your Biology Teacher (off site)
National Center for Science Education
Combating Creationism in a
Louisiana School System
Barbara Forrest
At the Front in Tangipahoa Parish
Barbara Forrest
How Can the Creation-Evolution Issue Be Brought into the
Mark O'Leary
Education Creation Style
John Stear
The X-Nilo Show
Beware of Creationists in Disguise
John Stear
Creation OnLine
(off site)
The Creation Bus ... and Us
John Stear
The School of Tomorrow
David Kostinchuk
QED: dogma and reason can co-exist
(off site)
Robert Matthews
Is there an alternative to the theory of
(or: why people who think so are wrong, misguided
and dangerous) (off site)- October 28, 2004
Objections to the Teaching of a "Theory of Creation" (off site)
Public Wants Evolution, Not
Creationism, in Science Class,
New [2000] National Poll Shows
(off site)
Whose creationism shall we teach?
(off site)
Jeffrey DeYoe
The Rev. Dr. DeYoe is pastor of Trinity
Presbyterian Church in Palm Coast, Florida, USA
Is the United States
Becoming Hostile to Science?
Alan Elsner
'Theory not fact' a living fossil from 1925!
(off site)
Nick Matzke
"Family First"? - not in
science education
John Stear,
February 2006
John Mackay's UK Tour
Roger Stanyard
Intelligent Judging - Evolution in the Classroom and the Courtroom (off site)
George J. Annas, J.D., M.P.H.
"Religious arguments have permeated debates on the role of the law in medical practice at the beginning and the end of life. But nowhere has religion played so prominent a role as in the century-old quest to banish or marginalize the teaching of evolution in science classes."
Home-schooling special: Preach your children well
(off site)
11 November 2006 news service
Amanda Gefter
Dawkins campaigns to keep God out of classrooms
(off site)
Alexandra Smith
Monday November 27, 2006
No change in Society position on creationism (off site)
Science News, 12 September 2008
"The Royal Society is opposed to creationism being taught as science. Some media reports have misrepresented the views of Professor Michael Reiss, Director of Education at the Society expressed in a speech yesterday."Zombie Jamboree in Texas (off Site)
Glenn Branch, deputy director of the National Center for Science Education
30 October 2008Texas: Religious Antievolution's Silly Season (off Site)
The Austringer' The Weblog of Wesley R. Elsberry
"You may not be able to 'balance' science with nonsense, but you can use nonsense to undermine any hope that science will take root in the mind of a child."On the origin of ignorance (off Site)
Ian Bell, Sunday Herald
Christian English high-school 'academies', with their creationist thought police, are allowing 'the theory' to be heard as merely one account among many. It is as though Einstein is being asked to compete with the Tooth Fairy."